Friday, November 12, 2010

Mind Mapping!!!!

Mind mapping is a tool used in idea generation that involves building on a subject using other subject that are directly or indirectly related to the central ,main subject.It was designed by Tony Buzan

A logical mind map involves branches that are all directly related to the central subject while an associated mind map involves generating random words that seem to have no connection to the the central subject.

Logical mindmapping exercise
Using the skill of mindmapping on a classmate i was able to draw fairly accurate facts about there characteristics as a person.

From the above mindmap i concluded that Nana is a quiet and reserved person that mostly loves time to herself.She loves her mum and has a close relationship with her,i drew this conclusion because she still uses the ninckname her mum gave to her when she was little.She also loves RnB music which is a soft genre of music,this i deduced,shows that she really loves her quiet time.Being the last born in among her 3 siblings made me assume that she is well taken care of a lot back at home and therefore explaining her preservative behaviour in public.
She also loves food (don't we all),and takes an interest in seafood,sushi in particular,seafood is known to stimulate ones brain and so i also guess she's a deep thinker.Role playing games are her favourite kind of video game,she plays 'the sims' in which the player assumes the role of a member of a family or,from Nana's point interest,the family head.I came to understand that she is responsible and loves the idea of a family and can't wait to start her own.To sum it all up, Nana has a soft personality and loves to be taken care of or in my words "She's AWESOME"

Mortar and pestle

Using the assoiciated mind map of a mortar and pestle i came up with these ideas for the possible use of the tool long ago...i chose "power","suffer" and "Talk"

In the year 1206,it was a common practice for the African people to use thMortar and pestle as a symbol of power. Leader would wear the mortar on his head and the pestle as sort of a royal staff.These were their crown jewels

Long ago people in societies would punish wrongdoers by forcing them to eat the mortar and pestle,usually by swallowing the whole!!!


In earlier years when very few wors existed,the mortar and pestle.Sounds created by banging the mortar on the pestle in a rythmic way provided meaning for expressions that could not be put in words....the man above is asking his colleaguthe toilet is!!!!e where 

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