Saturday, November 27, 2010

Juxtaposition 2

Juxtaposition exercise: placing two random words together and deriving meaning out of them.


Oil and water can't mix

in order to make Oil and water one i made my own compound called H2Oil

There's a light on that tree


There's a fly on his head


Okay juxtaposing just got out of hand,i mean what on earth is this!!! a lion ostrich,interesting indeed...however disturbing it may seem,creativity has way of opening doors for discussion on subjects such as these,like say for example being a combination of mammal and bird makes you wonder if it would lay eggs,not only that,what does this lion-ostrich taste like?or is it still carnivoroes...hmm i wonder.


What happens when the biggest land mammal decides to have kids with a spider?...well if you asked me a few days ago,i wouldn't have been able to answer that question.Well fortunately some crazy elephant out there decide to give us the answer and here it is the Elephantspider.I just keep on asking myself does this fancy gobbling up flies and if it does how many does it need until it gets full.!!!


Just when i thought our lessons and assingments couldn't get anymore twisted,we're told to turn an innocent picture of a kitten into something ditsurbing and will send chills down someone's spine!!!
i love to think of this image as the image of a mentally disturbed kitten...what can it do?what will it do?why does it do what it does???? Freaky i tell ya!!

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