Thursday, October 28, 2010


Chairman and founder of  microsoft Henry William Gates is well known throughout the world for his contribution in the digital world.He is responsible for causing a revolutionary change in the way we use computers in our lives.His success was due to his abilty to think way out of the box.
Bill Gates is an unconventional and innovative person, and he is seen as a rebel, reformer, or highly unusual in his manners, appearance, or attitudes. Bill enjoys being unpredictable, and he does not conform to the standards that other people have set. Above all, Bill Gates is an individualist, and he does what he pleases regardless of customs and norms. His environment and life circumstances may change frequently and abruptly.
His childhood and early home life were colored by a great deal of confusion or by people with unusually active imaginations, aspirations, or fantasies. It is difficult for Bill Gates to see his childhood and his relationships with his parents in a clear, realistic light. Bill may search for the ideal, loving home he wishes he had, or believe he had, when he was a child. Finding inner peace and a sense of emotional security within himself is important to Gates.


Search engines before 1998 such as Yahoo and AltaVista were providing a means of searching for information that brought up more junk than what the user was looking for.
It was only until 1998 that Google, the Brain Child of two former Stanford University Students Sergey Brin and Larry Page broke through the barriers of search engines to become the most efficient and useful search engine for the web.
Both co founders had been studying there Phd. when they came up with there revolutionary breakthrough in how people get information on the net.Interestingly the two young men had not intended to start up a company of there own,there original plan was to sell there idea to an existing search engine company,but unfortunately or fortunately they were turned down.
They focused on what the user needed and put the user first.They understood that a keeping everything simple and precise,shown from the simple layout of there website page to the ease at which one can get information from there site,was the way to go.There continuous  success is greatly stimulated by the fact that they believe in a free environment of working in which the mind is encouraged to be creative.All Google employees enjoy free food,fun and games at the Google headquarters,this work approach has developed new creative ideas such as Google earth and Google chrome.The Google boys are a good example of Creativity with big 'C',there ideas and have brought about changes in the way we acquire information in the world,making it easier and more accessible at the simple click of a button.

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