Saturday, November 20, 2010



Juxtaposing is the act of placing two objects together in order to compare and contrast the two objects or deliver more meaning to something.Juxtaposing is commonly used in advertising to enhance meaning to a product,say if an extremely beautiful young lady was placed next to a sports car the entire meaning of the sports car and a person's perception would change.
Marlboro often uses well built handsome men in cowboy outfits to enhance 
there advertising

The smoking hot young lady on the car makes our perception of the car

Juxtaposing involves placing of to images side by side.the brain automatically tries to derive understanding of a relation between the two images.

Love like a chilli

Like smooth hot chilli,so is our love.
The burning sensation with each bite reflects the passion that we share,
through rain and storm,our love shines bright red 
fearlessly battling the tests of time and fluently preserving it's aroma
and just like the chilli's smart tip points forward,
our undying union will march on forever.

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