Friday, January 7, 2011

final concept statement art !!!

Concept Statement sketches!!!


Applications of Creative multimedia essay!!!

The Application of creative multimedia
Creative multimedia is best understood if one separates the two big words which in this case are creative and multi media. Creative simply means having the ability to think and act unique where as multimedia refers to the various ways of passing on information for example through texts, animations audio clips and slideshows. Therefore creative multimedia in the lay man language refers to the unique ideas that people introduce in the world of media.  The application of creative multimedia can however be further categorized since it is applied in various parts of our daily lives,
In the entertainment part, creative multimedia can be applied in creating amazing motion graphics, movies and animations that keep people entertained during their free time, the concept of creative multimedia in this case is employed to create a variation in presentation or even the flow which helps to fight the problem of inconsistence and monotony in the production of the animations and motion graphics. Achieving such a goal of keeping the crowds entertained and occupied for a long time without having to repeat certain presentations simply requires a good interaction between extremely creative minds and the different types of media. The entertainment enjoyed through creative multimedia can be further seen even through more ways. It can appear through printed format where we meet the comics that people read and enjoy, the crossword puzzles which people try out and solve and the novels which people read as a way of entertaining themselves. Also we find the creative arts that include the MDD (music dance and drama) and are enjoyed mostly by people who still believe in old tradition values of society. Here people get to watch stage plays and listen to traditional music composed using their own traditional instruments like drums.
Economically, creative multimedia can be of great economic value considering one can apply it to for commercial gains. A creative mind can earn a living through the creativity they employ in multimedia for example through making advertisements for companies and other organizations’ that pay to get recognition and fame. People apply their brains to pull off brilliant advertisements for which they get paid in lots of money for that. In the same sense advertising is a big job that one cannot simply start and finish alone so eventually other people get employed in the field from which they earn a living. Considering that from creative multimedia people earn a living, it means the income earners become many and therefore the tax base of the country becomes wider with time and  this increases the country’s income per capita  and later the national income of the country which even though it’s long term leads to development of the country. So from people paying a lot of taxes having a lot of businesses in advertisements and other creative multimedia investments like comics and magazines that also pay huge taxes lead to economic growth and evidently advertising is one of the biggest earning sectors in any economy.
In the information sections of our lives, creative multimedia is applied in a couple of ways. It is applied in the institutions of learning like schools academies, universities, and training workshops and cooperate business meetings to provide information to the public and all involved parties respectively. Different modes of creative multimedia for example slide shows are used in schools to easily teach and inform students without all of  them having to access that information from the same source. Also, they can be used in cooperate business meetings to show the sales and progression of their business entity. Through slide shows they make graphs and pie charts which simplify and breakdown the information for all members to understand which makes work easier. Still through we get to acquire information through the news provided by the news channels on television stations. These eventually create an equally informed environment meaning it is easy for people to know what is going on their own countries whenever and wherever it happens.
Finally creative multimedia can be employed in the communications part of our lives, various ideas that we have mentioned above can be used still in communication here. Social communication which appears mainly through public awareness programs can be done using various means in creative multimedia. One can use printed material like posters, flyers and banners to provide free information that benefits society, for example in case of a disease outbreak, public awareness programs are put into place to help inform the people about the dangers and causes of such disasters.
Conclusively creative multimedia is indeed a very significant means to live by considering one can only sit down and access all the information they need to be up to date in all the sectors of their lives like health, finance and politics.


The application of  Creative Multimedia in our daily lives affects our perception,emotion and reaction.                                                                                                                                                                                           





Saturday, November 27, 2010

Juxtaposition 2

Juxtaposition exercise: placing two random words together and deriving meaning out of them.


Oil and water can't mix

in order to make Oil and water one i made my own compound called H2Oil

There's a light on that tree


There's a fly on his head


Okay juxtaposing just got out of hand,i mean what on earth is this!!! a lion ostrich,interesting indeed...however disturbing it may seem,creativity has way of opening doors for discussion on subjects such as these,like say for example being a combination of mammal and bird makes you wonder if it would lay eggs,not only that,what does this lion-ostrich taste like?or is it still carnivoroes...hmm i wonder.


What happens when the biggest land mammal decides to have kids with a spider?...well if you asked me a few days ago,i wouldn't have been able to answer that question.Well fortunately some crazy elephant out there decide to give us the answer and here it is the Elephantspider.I just keep on asking myself does this fancy gobbling up flies and if it does how many does it need until it gets full.!!!


Just when i thought our lessons and assingments couldn't get anymore twisted,we're told to turn an innocent picture of a kitten into something ditsurbing and will send chills down someone's spine!!!
i love to think of this image as the image of a mentally disturbed kitten...what can it do?what will it do?why does it do what it does???? Freaky i tell ya!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010



Juxtaposing is the act of placing two objects together in order to compare and contrast the two objects or deliver more meaning to something.Juxtaposing is commonly used in advertising to enhance meaning to a product,say if an extremely beautiful young lady was placed next to a sports car the entire meaning of the sports car and a person's perception would change.
Marlboro often uses well built handsome men in cowboy outfits to enhance 
there advertising

The smoking hot young lady on the car makes our perception of the car

Juxtaposing involves placing of to images side by side.the brain automatically tries to derive understanding of a relation between the two images.

Love like a chilli

Like smooth hot chilli,so is our love.
The burning sensation with each bite reflects the passion that we share,
through rain and storm,our love shines bright red 
fearlessly battling the tests of time and fluently preserving it's aroma
and just like the chilli's smart tip points forward,
our undying union will march on forever.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Mind Mapping!!!!

Mind mapping is a tool used in idea generation that involves building on a subject using other subject that are directly or indirectly related to the central ,main subject.It was designed by Tony Buzan

A logical mind map involves branches that are all directly related to the central subject while an associated mind map involves generating random words that seem to have no connection to the the central subject.

Logical mindmapping exercise
Using the skill of mindmapping on a classmate i was able to draw fairly accurate facts about there characteristics as a person.

From the above mindmap i concluded that Nana is a quiet and reserved person that mostly loves time to herself.She loves her mum and has a close relationship with her,i drew this conclusion because she still uses the ninckname her mum gave to her when she was little.She also loves RnB music which is a soft genre of music,this i deduced,shows that she really loves her quiet time.Being the last born in among her 3 siblings made me assume that she is well taken care of a lot back at home and therefore explaining her preservative behaviour in public.
She also loves food (don't we all),and takes an interest in seafood,sushi in particular,seafood is known to stimulate ones brain and so i also guess she's a deep thinker.Role playing games are her favourite kind of video game,she plays 'the sims' in which the player assumes the role of a member of a family or,from Nana's point interest,the family head.I came to understand that she is responsible and loves the idea of a family and can't wait to start her own.To sum it all up, Nana has a soft personality and loves to be taken care of or in my words "She's AWESOME"

Mortar and pestle

Using the assoiciated mind map of a mortar and pestle i came up with these ideas for the possible use of the tool long ago...i chose "power","suffer" and "Talk"

In the year 1206,it was a common practice for the African people to use thMortar and pestle as a symbol of power. Leader would wear the mortar on his head and the pestle as sort of a royal staff.These were their crown jewels

Long ago people in societies would punish wrongdoers by forcing them to eat the mortar and pestle,usually by swallowing the whole!!!


In earlier years when very few wors existed,the mortar and pestle.Sounds created by banging the mortar on the pestle in a rythmic way provided meaning for expressions that could not be put in words....the man above is asking his colleaguthe toilet is!!!!e where